You can tell this fruitcake's head was in the clouds. Just look at his Cathedral to the sky fairy and his psychedelic, surreal houses! Yeah!
You and Dali would make a fine pair! Catholic cretins! You dedicated your whole life to building a massive church out of your fantasy land head and what now?
Next thing you know the villain in the frock will be beatifying you or something! Nice one, Gaudi! Time waster! Well, we hope your happy with your Church now you don't exist!
Why did you build a massive Church when you could have been building monuments to our glorious humanism, thus leaving behind a credible legacy to humanity, cretin!? Think of all the glorious monuments to atheism and compare them to your Cathedral! Do you really think it compares to the captivating skull museum in Cambodia?!
When you were doing your sketches did you ever find time to look for some evidence? No! Why? Because you were too brainwashed by some Nazi, paedophile-ring orchestrating, puppet master Pope! Why can't architects be normal, rational people like us?! Thanks for the buildings, loser, but your God, if he exists, is on our side because even God wants to see the data! It's science, cretin!